留美老师带你每日说英文 第689期:带着自信出现在我面前


You came along with confidence -not just in yourself, but in our potential. I felt emotions stirring but I kept them down; I told myself not to get attached, convincing myself I wasn't that interested. But instead of getting discouraged, you could tell that I was just afraid. So you sent messages to make me smile.


留美老师带你每日说英文 第689期:带着自信出现在我面前


idence 自信
confidence (n.) 自信
confident (adj.) 确信的

2.potential 潜在的
potential (adj.) 潜在的

stir (v.) 搅拌

ch 依附
attach (v.) 依附

ince 说服
convince (v.) 说服
convincing (adj.) 有说服力的
persuade (v.) 说服
persuasive (adj.) 有说服利的

ourage 使沮丧
discourage (v.) 使沮丧
courage (n.) 勇气
courageous (adj.) 英勇的