


Mainstream comic heroes — America's modern mythology — have been redrawn from the stereotypical brown-haired, blue-eyed white male into a world of multicolored, multireligious and multigendered crusaders to reflect a greater diversity in their audience.

"Society has changed, so superheroes have to as well," said Axel Alonso, editor in chief at Marvel Comics, who in November debuted Captain America No.1 with Samuel Wilson, the first African American superhero taking over Captain America's red, white and blue uniform and shield.

Obviously, the change to a black Captain America is already having an impact outside of comics.


漫威漫画公司总编阿克塞尔·阿隆索表示,“社会在变,因此超级英雄的形象也需要随之改变。”他在11月份首推美国队长1号(Captain America No.1)塞缪尔·威尔逊,首位非裔美国“超级英雄”,接过美国队长的红白蓝三色制服和盾牌。



文中的comic heroes就是“漫画英雄”的意思,其中comic作名词,意为“漫画,连环画”,如:Children like to read comics.(孩子们喜欢看连环漫画。);它也可以作形容词,意为“喜剧的”,反义词是tragic(悲剧的),如:comic actor(喜剧演员),tragic atmosphere(悲剧气氛)
