“昔日帅哥”裘德洛赤膊游泳 着艳丽泳裤展臃肿身材

“昔日帅哥”裘德洛赤膊游泳 着艳丽泳裤展臃肿身材

Jude Law goes for a shirtless swim off the dock of Club 55 on Sunday (October 14) in St. Tropez, France


The 39-year-old actor was joined by a pal for his afternoon swim in the South of France.


“昔日帅哥”裘德洛赤膊游泳 着艳丽泳裤展臃肿身材 第2张

Earlier this month, Jude was spotted heading into the Groucho Club for a night out on the town.
